Cuba Chrome: Should be real interesting TV

According to its badge, this 1949-1952 Oldsmobile has Nissan ingredients.
   I CAN'T WAIT to watch Cuba Chrome, the new reality television series about Cuba's famous classic cars and the struggles of their owners to keep them running.
  And not just for the cars – though undoubtedly, we'll see many interesting vehicles in the series that debuts on Discovery on July 13. A video by Pilgrim Studios, the creator of Cuba Chrome, offers an enticing advance look.
   What promises to be just as intriguing, though, is the application of the "reality TV" concept – already laughable, in most cases – to a place where reality is notoriously pliable. There will be stories, many stories. All will be entertaining, and some might even be true.
   This will be a treat.


tonyhavana said…
I don't know whether to laugh or cry......
Manuel said…
Bumpers said it's a 1949 or a 1950, but with a one piece windshield like the 51-52...
Anonymous said…
Hi Robert, I am watching the episodes on YouTube. I would recommend it to any Carista. I think the show is very entertaining and, as real, as it can be. I am Cuban Carista from Ottawa. My family owns one of this old cars in Cuba.

Caristas said…
Thanks Anon. Nice that Discovery now is showing Cuban Chrome in Canada, and I hope other countries as well. It wasn't always easy to find on YouTube. I've put up a new post on this topic.

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