The young and the reckless
Trim taxi: 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air Beauville. T HE GOING rate for a rutero trip is 10 Cuban pesos, reports Here is Havana blogger Conner Gorry . That's the equivalent of 39 Canadian cents. This, of course, is the fare for locals (of which Gorry, American birth notwithstanding, is most decidedly one). Hop in as an obvious visitor, and you should expect to be asked for at least one convertible peso ($1.03 Cdn.) Gorry, however, warns that a change in regulations has made riding in a fixed-route collective much riskier. Where once only the owner was permitted to operate a car as a taxi, reforms aimed at encouraging more free enterprise now allow that owner to hire others to take shifts behind the wheel. As a consequence, "drivers are now young, restless and reckless," says Gorry. "It's plain some of them have never even driven before." Yeah, but hey — 39 cents? See also: Havana's fixed-route taxis.