Rich relics

A Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost? Reposted from ALSO FROM the then-and-now file, how about this Rolls-Royce photographed many decades ago in Havana's Cathedral Square? Could it be the same Rolls-Royce now on display in the Depósito del Automóvil just a few blocks south of the cathedral? Certainly, there are differences. The car in the square has low-mounted, drum-shaped headlamps. The depository car's lamps are higher and cone-shaped. One car has louvred engine side covers; the other does not. Still, such items could have been changed over the years. Closer examination, however, leads me to suspect the Rolls above is a late model from the 1906-to-1926 Silver Ghost series. (And, perhaps a Pall Mall Tourer from the Springfield, Massachusetts, factory operated by Rolls-Royce from 1921 to 1931 – though given the variations between bodies supplied by the various coachbuilders working with Rolls-Royce in th...