The Hershey train, postscript


   A quick search will yield numerous warnings about the unreliability of the Hershey train. What's interesting is that few if any of those issuing these warnings seem to have first-hand experience of delays or breakdowns on the route. Still, given the age and condition of the railroad's equipment, it's safe to conclude that problems can be frequent.
   But if you're even a little adventurous, a ride on the Hershey train is a remarkable way to mix with Cubans as they live their everyday lives. At 2.80 CUC for the full, 3.5-hour trip between Matanzas and Havana, it's ridiculously cheap. If you're a train buff, it could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience rail travel of an earlier era, rattles and all.
   And as I mentioned on the onset, if you did find yourself stranded, you won't be far from alternate transportation.

Learn more:

Allen Morrison, who has written extensively on tramways around the globe, offers an authoritative history of the Hershey train. Interesting historical photos, too.

Charming account of one traveller's experience.
Thorough guide to all rail travel in Cuba. Includes Hershey train schedule as of July 2013.
In which two natural questions – What if I have to pee? and, Think they'd let ME drive the
train? – are answered

For the adventurous, a remarkable ride.


Thanks for the mention! I can warmly recommend this train, one of my best experiences on the island!

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