Sacrifice and ingenuity: The Harlista story

   A NEW E-BOOK is out on Cuba's Harlistas, and it promises to be a thumping good read. Cuban Thunder, by U.S. journalist and longtime Cuba watcher Tracey Eaton, is based on interviews with more than 40 Harley-Davidson riders, including Sergio Morales, the mechanic who has kept so many of the bikes running decade-in and decade-out, and Ernesto Guevara, son of the late Ernesto "Che" Guevara.
   For Eaton, a former Havana bureau chief for the Dallas Morning News who now is an assistant professor at Flager College in Florida, the book was a chance to tell a story "of sacrifice, valour, ingenuity and friendship." Readers can be confident that Eaton will tell this story well, with the same objectivity and clear style he brings to his Along the Malacon blog.
   The 181-page book has more than 1,000 photographs and includes a slide show of images taken at an annual rally for vintage cars and motorcycles.
   Cuban Thunder is available for $5.99 from iTunes. You can download it to a computer or an iPad tablet, but you'll need an iPad to read it.

See also:

The legend of Cuba's lost Harley-Davidsons

Doing the Harley math

More of Tony's Trophies


alongthemalecon said…
Thanks very much for writing about "Cuban Thunder."
I have a lot of respect for Cubans who are able to maintain their rides, whether they be of the two-wheel, four-wheel or another other variety.

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