Look what I found on the Cuban Craigslist

The site’s name is Revolico, but it looks and functions much like Craigslist, the Internet classified ad directory where enterprise longs to be free. You know something like this couldn’t sit well with the authorities. Accordingly, content filters have apparently been installed to block access by Cuban citizens to the marketplace for computer parts, rocking chairs and “chica busco chico.” See the Reuters report here.
Net-savvy Cubans can still find their way to Revolico, and the owners, who host the site on U.S. servers, might have their own ideas on how to circumvent the filters. Still, given the government’s control of the island’s skimpy Internet service and its disapproval of public displays of capitalism, they’re in for a battle.
While it lasts, though, it’s a great place for car-watching. Here’s just one trophy, described by its seller as a “Julieta Fiat” but what we would call a Fiat 1100 TV (for Turismo Veloce), circa 1955-59. This model of convertible Fiat is reasonably rare, although the Revolico example, missing some chrome and with Lada running gear – it’s even registered as a Lada – probably wouldn’t get much money from a purist.
The owner has it listed for an arbitrary 111,111 CUC (about $128,000 Cdn.) but admits he will consider trades or “all legal proposals.”
